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Royo Machinery RBHT-1060SCERoyo Machinery RBHT-1060SCERoyo Machinery RBHT-1060SCERoyo Machinery RBHT-1060SCE

新的 模切机 Royo Machinery

New Die Cutter Royo Machinery RBHT-1060SCE, Features: 4+1 mm combination steel plate, Advance stripping and blanking tooling lockup, Air clutch, Auto separation sheet inserting mechanism, Automatic pressure adjustment, Blanking unit with automatic pile ejector, CE Standard Machine, Central lubrication with auto pump , Corrugated board up to 4mm, Delivery Pile Height 1520 mm, Die cutting chase pneumatic locking mechanism, Digital LED control panel, Dimensions: 10298 x 5857 x 2657 mm, Feeding Pile Height: 1800 mm, Gripper Margin: 9-17 mm, Heavy duty gripper bars, Inner chase size: 1080 x 770 mm, Max. die cutting pressure: 300 Tons, Max. die cutting size 1060 x 745 mm, Max. paper size: 1060 x 760mm, Max. Speed with stripping: 7000 strokes per hour, Max. Speed: 8000 strokes per hour, Micro adjustment device, Min. Paper size: 400 x 350mm, Motorized front lays with optical monitoring, Non-stop feeder and delivery, Paper or cardboard thickness: 0.1-2.0 mm, Paper or cardboard thickness: 80-2000 gsm, Pneumatic die plate ejector, Pre-loader, Pull or Push side lay on both sides, Recommended height of cutting rules: 23.8mm, Step-less speed control, Suggested HS code: 8441.4000 (Automatic), Total Power: 26kw, Total Weight: 22 Tons, Ultrasonic & Mechanical double-sheet detector


类别 模切机
厂家 Royo Machinery 型号 RBHT-1060SCE


Suggested HS code: 8441.4000 (Automatic), Ultrasonic & Mechanical double-sheet detector, Step-less speed control, Recommended height of cutting rules: 23.8mm, Pull or Push side lay on both sides, Pre-loader, Pneumatic die plate ejector, Dimensions: 10298 x 5857 x 2657 mm, Paper or cardboard thickness: 0.1-2.0 mm, Non-stop feeder and delivery, Total Weight: 22 Tons, Motorized front lays with optical monitoring, Min. Paper size: 400 x 350mm, Micro adjustment device, Heavy duty gripper bars, Max. paper size: 1060 x 760mm, Max. Speed: 8000 strokes per hour, Gripper Margin: 9-17 mm, Digital LED control panel, Die cutting chase pneumatic locking mechanism, Corrugated board up to 4mm, Central lubrication with auto pump , CE Standard Machine, Automatic pressure adjustment, Total Power: 26kw, Paper or cardboard thickness: 80-2000 gsm, Max. Speed with stripping: 7000 strokes per hour, Max. die cutting size 1060 x 745 mm, Max. die cutting pressure: 300 Tons, Inner chase size: 1080 x 770 mm, Feeding Pile Height: 1800 mm, Delivery Pile Height 1520 mm, Blanking unit with automatic pile ejector, Auto separation sheet inserting mechanism, Air clutch, Advance stripping and blanking tooling lockup, 4+1 mm combination steel plate


标牌: Die Cutter
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