Printing Equipment   New 糊盒机 Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+

Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+

糊盒机 Royo Machinery RZH-GD800 SL+


机器ID号 7493
序列号 70965 类别 糊盒机
厂家 Royo Machinery 型号 RZH-GD800 SL+
年份 2023 Impression
颜色 NA 双面印刷机 NA
纸张尺寸 800 x 700 mm


Crash lock bottom, Double wall (optional), Upper and lower drive for length adjustment on the trombone, Two adjustable front feed knives , Two lower glue tanks (left & right), Straight Line, Motorized 4 and 6 corner device (optional), Min. Box size: 90 x 60mm Side Gluing, Min. Box size: 90 x 60mm Double Wall, Min. Box size: 120 x 60mm Lock Bottom, Max. Box size: 800 x 700mm Side Gluing, Max. Box size: 700 x 800mm Lock Bottom, Max. Box size: 700 x 800mm Double wall, Folding hooks & helixes to fold front flaps, First and Third crease openers, Electronic upper gluing system by guns (options available), Dimensions: 13800 x 1700 x 1400 mm, Delivery pneumatically adjusted, Carton thickness: 180-800 gsm, Automatic belt tension on trombone, Accessories for B-type lock bottom, Edge-grinder, Lock bottom: 90 degress pre-folding for No.3 line, Side gluing: 135 degrees pre-folding for No.1 line, Suggested HS Code: 8441.30.9000, Third crease line pre-folder up to 135 degrees, Speed: 0-400m/min, Stainless steel glue roller, Small box attachment, Fully adjustable lateral feed gates, Fitted with pre-folding pre-creaser, Corrugated flute type: N F E, Continuous vacuum feeder with variable speed, Adjustable electronic pile vibrator, Motorized carrier positioning

Condition (1. Poor, 2. Below average, 3. Average, 4. Good, 5. Excellent)


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