स्ट्रॉ बनाने की मशीन RLQC-510 Features: Automatic angle correction, 6 Multi-blade cutters, Automatic straw collector, Dimensions: 3000 x 1400 x 1450 mm, Number of layers: 3, Paper straw making machine, Paper tube diameter: 5-12 mm, Single side gluing, Wall-thickness: 0.5-1 mm, Winding speed: 30-45 m/min, Winding heads: 2, Weight: 1200 KGS, Power: 3.5 kW, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
टेप एप्लीकेशन मशीन RTMA-1000 Features: Total weight: 135kg, Total power: 250 Watts, Taping precision: +/-1mm, Tape width: 9 - 30 mm, Min vertical distance between spots: 25mm, Min. spot length: 35 mm, Min open blank width: 110mm, Min horizontal dist between strips: 75mm (betwen centers), Max open blank width: 1000 mm, Max. number of spots: 4, Max. material thickness: 12 mm, Dimensions: 1650 x 1400 x 1570 mm, Double sided tape application, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
प्लेट पंच RMW 415-780BP Features: Self centering, Plate punch and bender combo, Pedal actuated, For SM52 SM74 & SM102, Floor Model, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
बॉक्स फ़ोल्डर गलुर RSF 550-650 Standard Features: Weight 4.5t, Two lower glue tanks (left & right), Two adjustable front feed knives, Straight Line, Side register section allows perfect blank alignment, Edge-grinder, Crash lock bottom, Third crease line pre-folder up to 135 degrees, Left hand glue flap pre-folder up to 180 degrees, First and Third crease openers, Configuration: Feeder-Pre Folding-Lock Bottom-Folding-Pressing, Carton thickness: 180-800 gsm, Speed: 0-400m/min, Corrugated flute type: N F E, Accessories for B-type lock bottom, Fully adjustable lateral feed gates, Continuous friction feeder with variable speed, Adjustable electronic pile vibrator, Upper and lower drive for length adjustment on the trombone, Two upper and two lower carriers, Electronic upper gluing system by guns (options available), Automatic belt tension on trombone, Min. Box size: 126 x 60mm Side Gluing, Max. Box size: 650 x 550mm Side Gluing, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
नाइफ ग्राइंडर RMK-7115 Features: Working table size: 1500 x 160 x 160 mm, Tilting range: +/-90 Degrees, Steples speed adjustment, Power: 4.5 kW, Max. grinding length: 1500 mm, Magnetic table, Linear speed: 0-14m/s (adjustable), Grinding wheel size: 200 x 32 x 100 mm, Grinding precision: Less than 0.05mm, Grinding head power: 3kW, Gear driven head, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
कार्टन इरेक्टिंग मशीन RBJ-D800 Features: Weight 1.8t, Speed: 50-180 pcs/min, Dimensions: 3600 x 1500 x 1700 mm, Corrugated: up to 1.5mm, Open box width: 4-23.5", Open box length: 4-17.75", Paper board: 200-600 gsm, Power: 5kW, Box height: 0.6-7.75", Specifications are subject to change without notice.
रोल शेटर RSM-1700-2 Features: Total Weight: 18000kg, Twin Rotary Knife, Self Adjusting Air Brakes, Paper thickness: 60-1000 gsm, Paper tensioning control, Overlapper & piler, Max. roll diameter: 1800mm, Max. Paper Width: 1700mm, Max. Cutting Speed: 300 cuts/min, Dimensions: 15500 x 6500 x 1850 mm, Cut off tolerance: +/- 0.2mm up to 1000mm, Color LCD operating panel, Auto cut length adujstment system, 2x Roll Stands, Suggested HS code: 8441.10.0000, Waste Bag Extraction, Delivery pile height: 1500mm, Three pneumatic Festo slitters, Hydraulic shaftless mill roll stands, Dual tab inserter, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
स्क्रीन यूवी कोटर RGW-6090X-UV Features: Material thickness: Less than 20 mm, Total Power: 3.8kw, Screen frame size: 900 x 1200 mm, Max. printing speed: Up to 1000 sph, Max. Printing size: 600 x 900mm, Automatic ejecting mechanical arm, Air pressure required: 8kg/cm2, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
स्लाटर रिवाइंडर RHX-650 FQ Features: Working speed: 180m/min, Slitting width: > 20 mm, Power: 2.2 kW 220 Volts 3 Phase, Max. Unwind Diameter: 1200mm, Max. Roll width: 650mm (Optional 900mm), Max. Rewind Diameter: 260mm, Core Diameter: 8 a 50mm, Dimensions (LxWxH): 1800 x 1450 x 1450 mm, Tags: Spindless slitting machine, Adding machine roll slitter, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
लमीनेटर RL-SW-820 Features: Min. Paper size: 300 x 300mm, Voltage: 220V 60/50HZ, Total Power: 21kw, Paper thickness: 100-500 gsm, Max. Paper size: 1050 x 820mm, Laminating Speed: 0-65 m/min, Total Weight: 3550kg, Sheet separator, Electromagnetic heater, Dimensions: 5400 x 2000 x 1900 mm, Hot stamping foil rewind (Optional), Delivery table with jogger, Stacker (Optional), Sheet decurler, Film loader (Optional), Suggested HS code: 8420.10.0090, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
रेट्रोफिट RoyoCUT RPD-04 Features: Repeatability of position to +/- 0.002" (0.05 mm), Non-volatile memory, No motor included, Multilingual Interface, LCD graphical display, For all size paper cutters, Electrical: 220 Volts 60 Hz @ 1 KVA, Works with existing AC motor, 100 programs, 8000 cut locations, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
तार बांधने की मशीन RSSB-420M Features: Spiral Diameter: 8 - 33 mm, Speed: 500-600 books/hour, Dimensions: 1900 x 700 x 1600 mm, Power: 1PH 220V 50/60HZ (other voltage on request), Total Weight: 400 kg, Binding Size: 75-420mm, Air Pressure: 5-8 kgf, Spiral Binder, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
डाई कटर RMHC-1080 Features: Max. Speed: 7500 strokes per hour, Die cutting Precision: +/- 0.15mm, Corrugated board up to 4mm, Central lubrication with auto pump, Total Power: 16.9kw, Paper or cardboard thickness: 100-2000 gsm, Max. paper Size: 1080 x 780 mm, Max. die cutting size 1070 x 770mm, Gripper Margin: 9-17 mm, Feeding Pile Height: 1600mm, Delivery Pile Height 1400 mm, Total Weight: 17 Tons, Min. Paper size: 400 x 350mm, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
यूवी ड्रायर RUV-GG740 Features: Max. Curing Speed: 90m/min, UV Lamp 2x 6.5kw, Tray delivery, 29" width, Double lamp configuration, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
पेपर कप बनाने की मशीन ROC-12 Features: Power: 15KW, Ultrasonic welding, Total Weight: 2200 KG, Speed: 70-90 pcs/minute, Paper Cup Size: 3-12 oz, Open Cam, Material: Single or double PE coated paper, Cup Bottom Knurling: Heater Knurling for single PE coated, Cup Bottom Heating: Hot Air, Min. Air pressure: 60-90 psi - Air output: 3.5-11 ft3/min, Safety cage, Multi-cup collector with chute delivery, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
लेजर कटिंग मशीन RLC 340 S Features: Weight: 800 kg, Repositioning accuracy: +/-0.1mm, Positioning method: Video capture on the run, Laser power: 180 W, Graphic format supported: DXF PLT JPG BMP, Feeder: Sheet-Fed, Dimensions: 2000 x 2100 x 1800 mm, Max. Paper size 483 x 340mm, Suggested HS Code: 8454.1000, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
लेजर कटिंग मशीन RHM 1060 Features: Weight: 200 kg, Stepless speed regulation, Resolution ratio: 0.25mm, Repositioning accuracy: +/-10%, Processing Area: 1000 x 600 mm, Minimum size lettering: 1mm, Laser power: 90 W, Graphic format supported: DXF DWD JPEG PCX AI TIFF PLT CDR BMP GIF, Engraving speed: 0-6400mm/min, Dimensions: 1150 x 1100 x 1000 mm, Suggested HS Code: 8454.1000, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
लेजर कटिंग मशीन RHM 6040 Features: Weight: 180 kg, Resolution ratio: 0.25mm, Processing Area: 600 x 400 mm, Laser power: 90 W, Stepless speed regulation, Repositioning accuracy: +/-10%, Minimum size lettering: 1mm, Graphic format supported: DXF DWD JPEG PCX AI TIFF PLT CDR BMP GIF, Engraving speed: 0-6400mm/min, Dimensions: 1150 x 880 x 800 mm, Suggested HS Code: 8454.1000, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
प्लेट प्रोसेसर RMXZ-845 Features: Total Weight: 680 kg, Total Power: 5.0kW, Size: 1900 x 1480 x 1050 mm, Roller Diameter: 60mm, Plate thickness: 0.15 - 0.40 mm, Min. plate length: 400 mm, Max. Plate Width: 1250mm, For Conventional Positive Negative PS Thermal CTP CTcP Plates, Drying Temperature: 30 to 70 C, Developing Time: 20 to 60 Seconds, Developing Temperature: 15 to 40 C, Developer Capacity 75 Liters, Brush Diameter: 50mm, Automatic gumming, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
डाई कटर TYMB1040 Features: Voltage: 220V 3PH 60Hz, Total Weight: 5 Tons, Total Power: 19kw, Suitable paper 1-8 mm corrugated paper (including laminated), Programmable foil advance, Paper or cardboard thickness: 100-2000 gsm, Max. Speed: 1500 strokes per hour, Max. Foil advance: 800mm, Max. die cutting pressure: 220 Tons, Hand Feed, Foil Stamping, Foil feeding units: 3 (Longitudinal advance), Corrugated board up to 4mm, Central lubrication with auto pump, Specifications are subject to change without notice.
रोयो मशीनरी नए और पुराने प्रिंटिंग, फिनिशिंग और कार्टन कंवर्टिंग उपकरणों के दुनिया के सबसे अनुभवी आपूर्तिकर्ताओं में से एक है। हमने पिछले 77 वर्षों में किसी भी अन्य डीलर की तुलना में कैरिबियन और लैटिन अमेरिका में नए और पुराने ऑफ़सेट प्रिंटिंग और फिनिशिंग उपकरण बेचे हैं। इस क्षेत्र में हमारे विशेष संबंध और समझ हमारी कंपनी को प्रतिस्पर्धियों पर प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक बढ़त देती है।
रोयो परिवार को दुनिया में कहीं भी नए और पुराने प्रिंटिंग, फिनिशिंग और कंवर्टिंग को खरीदने और बेचने की प्रक्रिया को प्रबंधित करने के लिए आवश्यक लॉजिस्टिक्स और इंजीनियरिंग की मदद करने के लिए सबसे ज्यादा अनुभव है। हम अन्य सेवाएं जैसे पूर्व खरीद निरीक्षण, मशीन को खोलने और हटाना, पार्ट्स, सफाई और पेंटिंग, पुनर्निर्माण और रेट्रोफिटिंग, परिवहन, स्थापना और प्रदर्शन, बिक्री के बाद सेवा और वारंटी, मूल्यांकन और पेशेवर परामर्श उपलब्ध करवाते है।
1948 से उद्योग में होने के कारण हमने एक सक्षम वैश्विक नेटवर्क बनाया है जो आपके लिए नए और पुराने प्रिंटिंग, फिनिशिंग और कार्टन कन्वर्जिंग उपकरणों को अधिक प्रतिस्पर्धी कीमतों पर ढूढ़ने के लिए समर्पित है। हमें आपके लिए ऑफसेट प्रेस, पेपर कटर, फोल्डर, डाई कटर, बॉक्स फोल्डर ग्लूअर, यूवी कोटर, रोल शेटर या लामिनेटर को उपलब्ध करने का अवसर दे ।